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Eric Jackson endorses Tony Mack


June 9, 2010

Press contact: John Nalbone
Phone: (609) 273-4140

Eric Jackson endorses Tony Mack

TRENTON, NJ – (June 9, 2010) – The Tony Mack for Mayor Campaign is pleased to announced that City of Trenton Director of Public Works and former mayoral candidate, Eric Jackson, will endorse Mack at a press conference at noon today on the steps of City Hall.

“I have known Eric for a long time,’’ Mack said. “Although we have been opponents on some of the issues during this campaign, the common ground we share is our love for and commitment to the City of Trenton. Eric always has been an advocate for what is right and we are proud to have him in our corner.’’

Mr. Jackson finished third in the 2010 mayoral race behind Mack and Manuel “Manny’’ Segura.

“Tony and I both ran very dignified and professional campaigns,’’ Jackson said. “Although I was in this to win it, I am proud to give my support to my friend at this time. Tony knows the issues, he can handle the issues and he is the one best prepared to move our city forward.’’  

The runoff election to decide the next Mayor of Trenton is June 15.

Press contact: John Nalbone
Phone: (609) 273-4140


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